2019 marked the 8th consecutive Rahway Culture Crawl event. While the Rahway Arts and Business Partnership had been working with us since the first event, in 2017 they came to us looking to create a new look. We worked together to make a visual identity that showcased the vibrancy and diversity of the community.

Client: Rahway Arts & Business Partnership
Role: Creative Director, Designer
Additional Creative Director: Jacki Lombardo
Services: Print and Digital Design



The previous branding was focused on illustrations and artsy characters. RABP wanted to show the actual people that this event is about.

The Map

Culture Crawl has grown to spread across the entire downtown area, and so required a completely new map that was able to show all events. The last three years we have been tweaking and developing a clearer system of communicating these events to attendees.


Having an event that spans an entire downtown area requires bold signs to denote event. Each stage and major event area required a feather flag and a-frame to allow attendees to navigate easily.


These 4x4 and 8x4 street signs were put up across town to advertise Culture Crawl to drivers. Legibility was the main focus of these designs; making sure that drivers were able to process important information quickly without it becoming it hazard.